By Jhonny Gonzalez

The President of the he World Boxing Council (WBC), Jose Sulaiman, is planning to send a letter to the Nevada State Athletic Commission to reprimand referee Russell Mora, who worked last Saturday's fight between bantamweights Nonito Donaire and Fernando Montiel. The WBC will complain that Mora should have stopped the fight when Montiel was dropped in the second round, and instead exposed the fighter to suffering further injury by allowed the bout to continue for a moment longer.

"It was a fateful decision, a criminal act. Montiel was in a poor state and after telling him walk to it and he does not, and after asking him to raise his arms and he do not, he still allows him to continue," Sulaiman told Sal Rodriguez. "We are going to send a letter to the commission to put him (the referee) in training before placing him in another championship fight. We will object to this referee whenever we can."