By Gilberto Mendoza, WBA President

The board of the World Boxing Association, chaired by Dr. Gilberto Mendoza has not yet made any decision on the application for an immediate rematch on the featherweight title fight between Jonathan Barros and Celestino Caballero.

We want to announce to the Panamanian public, and boxing fans in general, that final decision will be announced in due course and that it will be as objective as possible, seeking to maintain the good name of those involved.

Before rumors and speculation are ​​irresponsibly made, we want to note that the World Boxing Association has free power to accept, reject, or announce any decision regarding any topic.

We do not speak out in favor of a boxer, whatever their nationality. We try to be objective, to the furthest extent possible. The Committee engaged in the evaluation is properly trained, like all members of the WBA.

We appreciate that our work is respected, and we only wish to keep the sport on the rise.