Regarding Events Reported at the Soaring Eagle Casino under the direction of the Saginaw Chippewa Boxing Commission.

The Retired Boxers Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to assist retired professional boxers in the transition from their glorious days in the ring to a dignified retirement.  We respect the oversight of legitimate boxing commissions throughout the country whose mission is to make sure that the fighter's safety is the ultimate priority.   We do not support any commission who makes the Promoter's needs their highest priority, whether it is a State Commission or a Tribal Nation's Commission.  We support the existing legislation, i.e., the Muhammad Ali Boxing Safety Act, as well as the rules and guidelines of the ABC under the direction of Tim


While we respect the right of boxers to engage in their trade, we do not support any event that disregards the boxer's safety.  We encourage any professional boxer to call the Retired Boxers Foundation at (805) 955-9064 if they are concerned about what their contracts state or their treatment by any Commission.  On the other hand, it is also the boxer's responsibility to be honest and forthcoming with the Commissions and we

ask that they present any questions they have to the Commission, or to the Retired Boxers Foundation so that we can provide representation for them.

The reputation of the sport of boxing is at stake every time a fighter enters the ring.  Our goal is to go out of business rather than seeing our client list grow, year after year, because of the damage caused by unprepared or indifferent agents of the sport, including the athletes. Regulations relating to the safety of boxers, outlined in the Muhammad Ali Boxing Safety Act, the ABC and the Commissions throughout this country are drafted with the best interest of the athlete and are based on science.   To disregard these requirements is to disregard the warriors who step into the ring for your enjoyment, risking their lives even in the best conditions.

While we have no power to intervene, we do have the power to educate and we will continue to do so.   We would like every State Commission and Tribal Boxing Commission to issue the Professional Boxers Bill of Rights to every participant in a boxing event, including the promoters, commissioners, officials, etc.  The Professional Boxers Bill of Rights was created at the National Association of Attorneys General Boxing Task Force, of which the Retired Boxers Foundation participated, in conjunction with the Association of Boxing Commissions.  The Professional Boxers Bill of Rights (also attached as a word document) is as follows:

The Association of Boxing Commissions and the National Association of Attorneys General "Boxing Task Force" PRESENT The Professional Boxers " Bill of Rights"

1. You have the right to be treated in a professional manner and to be fully informed about all aspects of your sport.

2. You have the right to have all terms of any contract with a promoter or manager in writing.

3. You have the right to have all contracts read and explained to you, either by the local commission representative or anyone of your choosing (including an attorney).

4. Before any bout you have a right to know your opponents name, their record, the weight class of the bout, the number of rounds of the bout, and the amount of your purse, including any travel or training expenses. To check on any boxers record, including your own, contact (Fight Fax) at 865-782-8868.

5. You have a right to review, obtain and keep copies of any of your contracts.

6. You have a right to directly receive any and all payments from a bout as set forth in your bout agreement.

7. You have the right to receive a written, post bout accounting from either the promoter or your manager or both, which shows how the total amount of your purse was distributed. If you have any deductions taken from your purse you have the right to ask for a written accounting of what these deductions were, and why they were deducted from your purse.

8. You have a right to have a doctor at ringside at all times as well as emergency medical personnel and / or an ambulance present at the location at all times.

9. You have a right to have medical insurance to cover any injuries resulting from a bout and to know the name of the insurance company and the amount of coverage that is being provided.

10. You have the right to hire individuals of your choice to serve as your mangers, trainers or seconds. You are not required to hire any individual in order to obtain a bout.

11. You have a right to know why your ranking with any sanctioning body has changed and the reasons for this change. This may be done by writing to the organization and requesting why your ranking has been changed. The organization must respond to you, in writing, within (7) days.

12. You have a right to appeal any and all suspensions and to be informed on exactly why you were suspended and the length of your suspension. To check if you are on the National Suspension List just go onto the Internet at and click onto Boxing then onto the National Suspension List.

13. You have a right to contact you local commission or the Association of Boxing Commissions to report any violations, ask any questions or seek any advice.

** You as a Boxer should get a copy of and read the two federal boxing bills that detail many of your rights and responsibilities as a professional boxer. These two bills are:

The Professional Boxing Safety Act of 1996 and the Muhammad Ali Act of 2000


Jacquie Richardson, Executive Director

Alex "The Bronx Bomber" Ramos, Founder & President