By Jose Aguirre

This Saturday, Monte "Two Gunz" Barrett returns to the ring after being away for over a year, to take on the WBA heavyweight champion Nikolai Valuev, the seven-foot, 320 pound champion from Russia. Valuev makes his big American splash as the Chicago showdown will be telvised on HBO. Barrett is looking to upset the champion and ruin his planned conquest of America. Monte, how will you prepare for a fighter as big as Valuev?

Monte Barrett: Valuev is just like any other fighter. This is a very mental fight. It's not physical, this fight is very mental. I'm looking forward to the fight on October 7. You have been out of the ring for over a year. Will that factor have any negative effects on you?

Monte Barrett: No. Sometimes it's a gift and a curse. Your body does need rest. I've had a lot of rest. A lot of time to organize my life in the right perspective. I’m at a good place right now. Everything happens for a reason. I'm well rested - my mind, my body, my soul, my spirit, and I'm good to go. People that have seen him fight say that he's big, but he's also slow. Is that something that you are banking on, or are you going in the fight prepared for a 100-percent Valuev?

Monte Barrett: He's big and he's fast. He's not slow. I dont take nothing away from him. He's the WBA champion. I mean he's a big guy, but that doesn’t matter. The bottom line at the end of the day is when you do conditioning it's about your strength and your heart.

One, you have to be born with a strong heart and two, it's about strength and conditioning. With him being big and fast, I'm big and I'm fast too. Like I said, this is an all mental fight. The question to him is if he's going to be ready for me. Unlike your other fights. Is this a fight where you want to be as big, as fast, as conditioned as possible?

Monte Barrett: I think so. I'm in the best shape of my life, but I've prepared very well for this fight. I've got Dudley Pierce, who's worked with the likes of Antonio Tarver, Floyd Mayweather, Jr, Ricardo Mayorga. This guy is phenomenal. This trainer is really working with me, and he does everything with me. Working with him and the things he is showing me about myself, I'm going to be in phenomenal shape. I’m going to keep repeating it - it's a mental fight. Monte, people of all ages know the story of David and Goliath. Are you planning to reenact that story?

Monte Barrett: Well, I'll close it out like this. David did it with five stones, I'll do it with two. Two Guns baby. Holler at your boy. October 7th, it's a wrap for Valuev.