By Hilmar Rojas

Through a letter read by Dr. Gilberto Mendoza, from Caracas, Venezuela, at the first meeting of the Board during the 94th Convention of the World Boxing Association - it became official that Mendoza was stepping down as President of the sanctioning body.

"Parting with the Presidency of the WBA is due to health reasons that you know have already hampered the implementation of my daily duties," said Mendoza, who firmly held the position since 1982.

In the rest of the letter he explained that "after 33 years in the exercise of the presidency, I must put on record and thank the efforts made by all this great team of men and women who have been working in the construction of this great family of boxing which is the WBA ".

Gilberto Jesus Mendoza, the Vice President of the company, was voted in as the new President.