By Luis Sandoval

Middleweight contender Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin appeared on the most recent edition of BoxingScene’s official audio show The Boxing Lab to talk about his upcoming fight with Ronald “Winky” Wright on June 2nd at the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA.

During his interview Quillin revealed that even though the fight is less than 2 weeks away, Wright has requested that they participate in random Olympic style drug testing.

“I just got a call 3 days ago about Winky Wright is requesting that I take, I think Olympic style [drug testing]. I think it’s VADA (*Note that Gabriel Montoya confirmed it will actually be USADA administering the testing). I just agreed to that to take the tests because I have nothing to hide. I’m not using no illegal substances or anything like that” revealed Quillin.

The boxing world has been shaken up the last couple weeks due to both Lamont Peterson and Andre Berto testing positive for illegal PEDs during their VADA administered random drug testing leading up to their fights. Peterson tested positive for synthetic testosterone while Berto tested positive for Nandrolone. Those two revelations could be the reason behind why Wright would like to have drug testing administered even if it’s at the tail end of training for both fighters.

While Quillin openly wonders why Wright would call for testing to be done now when the fight is just around the corner, he decided to go through with it given everything that has transpired surrounding illegal substances.

“You know at first I was kind of like ‘What is this guy doing!?’. Two weeks before the fight? Why not early in the camp? Why now? But at the end of the day, with all this stuff going on, why not. Let’s do it. I want to show my fans what kind of fighter I am. I’m a clean fighter” said Quillin.

You can listen to Peter Quillin’s interview in its entirety by listening to The Boxing Lab podcast at:

You can follow Luis Sandoval on Twitter @Truewest007. You can also tune in to The Boxing Lab, Boxingscene’s official audio show every Tuesday from 6-8PM PST with hosts Ernest Gabion, Luis Sandoval, and Ryan Burton.