Shane McPhilbin wants back something he feels was taken from him unfairly – the British cruiserweight title.

In a dramatic contest that saw both men hit the deck, Shane wrenched the belt from former champion Leon 'Solid' Williams via a final round KO in January this year.

Just two months later, however, in his first defence against Enzo Maccarinelli, McPhilbin found himself on the wrong end of a genuine ring injustice.

Having already put Enzo over, and with the Welshman out on his feet and on the verge of being stopped, the bell to end the first round was tolled 47 seconds early!  Consequently, with that early, unfair respite proving long enough for Maccarinelli to recover his senses, Shane ultimately ended up losing his crown on a points decision.

Throw into the mix too, then, that Enzo was also banned after the bout for failing a random drugs test and you can understand that Shane, 8-3 (5), feels hard done by that he won't be facing County Durham's Jon-Lewis Dickinson as British champion when the pair meet for the vacant title at Liverpool's Echo Arena on October 13.

Part of an undercard that is headlined by David Price defending his British heavyweight title against Audley Harrison; McPhilbin versus Dickinson has all the hallmarks of a great domestic dust-up.

Hear more from Shane as he heads into the contest:

How frustrating has the whole Enzo Maccarinelli situation been for you?

It's done my head in a bit, obviously with the drug test and all that.

I think the fight should have gone down as a 'No Contest' because it just makes a farce of everything. It's kind of upsetting for me as well, because I don't want to be involved in anything that corrupts boxing.

It hasn't affected my mind-set going into this fight though and I've pretty much forgotten all about it now.

Is Jon-Lewis Dickinson a tougher test than Maccarinelli?

I would say he is, yes. Jon-Lewis Dickinson is hungry for it; he's a good fighter.

He's a very good stand up boxer. He likes to come forward and he looks like he's got a bit of a punch on him. I've boxed tall boxers before though who've been 16 or 17 stones so it doesn't really affect me much and I'll just get on with it.

I'm expecting a hard fight, a 50-50 fight, but I still believe that I've got enough in the tank to win the British title again.

What do you bring to the table – what are your strengths?

I like to try and get in there and mix it up, try to take them out early, but we're working on a few things in the gym now and hopefully you'll see a different fighter than the one against Enzo Maccarinelli.

Have you learned anything from the Enzo fight to take into the Dickinson bout?

Yes, make sure the timekeeper's not dyslexic! Also to be strong, fit and well on the day rather than going in there unfit.

You're fighting on a huge card in front of thousands - how much are you looking forward to it?

It's going to be the biggest arena I've ever fought in, so I'm really looking forward to it and have got a real buzz about it.

I'm very confident that I'm going to win. I want that belt back and to move on to bigger and better things. I know it's going to be a hard fight but I've got the tools on the day to bring the belt back home.

How much would it mean to become British champion again?

It would mean the world again.  Obviously I should never have lost it because of that timekeeper, so to get it back where it belongs will be amazing.

Lastly, what's your big-fight prediction – who wins, David Price or Audley Harrison?

David Price, early!  Harrison will be lucky to get to the third [round].

Look at the way he [Price] took [John] McDermott out, and McDermott's one of the toughest blokes out there. Harrison's got no chin, to be fair, and I think Price will take him out early.

For ticket information to see David Price defending his British heavyweight title against Audley Harrison at Liverpool's Echo Arena on October 13, including an undercard featuring Shane McPhilbin versus Jon-Lewis Dickinson for the British cruiserweight belt, plus two other domestic title bouts

Even boxing’s staunchest detractors would struggle not to take to WBO World Lightweight king Ricky Burns.

The two-weight world champion from Coatbridge, Scotland is both a thoroughly decent human being and a consummate professional athlete; courteous, humble, clean living and frighteningly dedicated to his craft. He is an inspiration to all who come into contact with him.

The perfect role model, our sport needs Burns to enjoy continued success but his hegemony shall come under serious threat at the SECC, Glasgow on Saturday evening when vicious and spiteful Londoner Kevin Mitchell strolls into town hell bent on mugging the champion of all he has worked so hard for.

But the 29 year old Scot is as combative between the ropes as he is passive beyond. Yesterday, speaking to boxing writer Glynn Evans, he assured fans he is primly prepared to meet and thwart Mitchell’s challenge.

The Scot makes the second defence of his WBO lightweight crown live and exclusive on BoxNation (Sky Ch. 437/Virgin Ch. 546).  Join at

Do you consider your last victory, that comprehensive points win over Paulus Moses, the most complete performance of your career?

I try not to look at it like that. Every fight is very different in its own way. Styles make fights and you prepare differently, reveal different qualities, for each of them. I usually train for every eventuality but don’t decide how I’m actually going to approach the fight until the first bell rings. Then I go on instinct.

With the Moses fight, we knew I’d be best served sticking to my boxing, keeping it long, sticking behind the jab, because we knew he was very dangerous with the right hand and, right enough, when he did catch me clean I certainly felt it. Once again I proved my chin.

Paulus hit very hard. My defence was very tight but, by the end of 12 rounds, my left arm was ‘dead’ from blocking his right hands. Overall, yep, I was pretty pleased with my effort.

What have you been up to in the interim?

I got married to Amanda at the end of April. We had a fantastic day, the weather was excellent, then we went on honeymoon to Mexico. It was the first time I let myself ‘go’ in ages and my longest break I can remember from the boxing gym. I was on those ‘all you can eat’ buffets and, though I don’t usually drink, I let my hair down once or twice.

After this fight, provided I don’t get cut or anything, I’ve promised Amanda that I’ll take her to Vegas. I’ll be taking my kitbag with me, mind, and seeking out a few gyms. Floyd Mayweather is my favourite boxer right now so I’d love to workout alongside him.

You’re notoriously shy, yet each successive fight draws a bigger crowd, and greater publicity and acclaim.  Does all the attention continue to embarrass you?

I’m starting to get used to it but it really isn’t me. I do the press and PR stuff because it’s my job but I never mouth off; always treat my opponent with respect.

As a fight builds up, I like to try to keep things as normal as I can. I still work one shift a week on Saturday’s at a sports shop here in Coatbridge which keeps my feet on the ground. People can bring stuff in for stuff for me to sign or to have a photo taken which is nice.

Out of training, I’m invited to a lot of functions and I try to attend as many charity dos as I can, then cut it right down once hard training begins.

As an apprentice pro, you featured on the championship undercards of guys like Scott Harrison and Alex Arthur. Now you’re Scotland’s flagship fighter yourself. How do you feel about that?

I’m aware that my success allows the young up and coming Scottish fighters, particularly those I train with at Billy (Nelson)’s gym, the opportunities to fight regularly before home crowds and experience big crowds, big nights, big atmospheres.

It’s nice, obviously, but I try not to put any added pressure on myself. I just get my head down in training, produce my best on the night and then, whatever happens, happens. I’m aware that you can’t win them all. If I did lose it wouldn’t change my attitude to boxing. Boxing is all I’ve ever wanted to do.

Things have come full circle and, on Saturday, Scott will feature on your undercard. Now that he too is campaigning at lightweight, there’ll naturally be a clamour to match the pair of you if you both keep winning. Would that be something that would interest you?

I’ve never been one to pick and choose who I fight. I leave that entirely to my promoter Frank Warren and my manager Alex Morrison and I’d like to think my track record shows that I’ve never ducked anybody.

For a start, I’m not about to look past Kevin Mitchell. Also, because Scott has been away so long, we’ll not really know what he’s got left until he steps up his level of opposition in a few fights time. I wish Scott all the best. We did spar once quite a while ago and, let’s say, I did alright.

Given that all the intense and strenuous training has now been completed, the final week must be a real chore. How do you retain your focus and sanity?

With difficulty. Every boxer is the same. They can’t wait to get the weigh-in over. All the hard graft is in the bag, and in the last few days we’ll just tick over with light and fast stuff. But this is when we have to cut down on our food intake and you can get a bit ‘snappy’.

This camp has especially dragged because I began sparring at the very start, 12 weeks ago, to help Bradley Saunders get ready for his fight on the Haye-Chisora card.

Would it be fair to say that Kevin Mitchell at his best – and every report indicates that indeed he is, both physically and mentally – provides you with the stiffest challenge of your career, so far?

Maybe. Since the fight was announced, the boxing forums on the internet have been full of stuff about how Kevin blows hot and cold, but we know this is potentially an extremely tough fight. We can’t control what Kevin Mitchell turns up, we can only fully prepare to get everything right from our end. And I can assure you, that’s what we’ve done.

The popular consensus was that John Murray would be too strong for Kevin because he was coming off a stoppage to Michael Katsidis, had been out for a while, and Murray was flying at the time. But, having sparred Kevin in the build up to that fight, I told everybody he’d have too much.

Everybody knows Kevin can punch and he’d shown when he beat Breidis Prescott how good he could also be when he goes back foot. I knew he’d beat Murray but, even then, though everybody thought he looked very impressive, Kevin got dragged in once or twice when he really didn’t need to.

In his tune up with (Felix) Lora, he fought the right fight, in and out. Kevin’s got lots of tools but, the way we train, whether he decides to box or brawl, we’ll be ready.

Much has been made of the ‘spar’ you had, in the formative stages of Mitchell’s preparation for the John Murray fight last summer (2011). Even Kevin admits that you got the better of proceedings, but claims you were in far better shape.  It must be difficult not to get complacent, knowing you had his number?

No, no. Sparring’s sparring; totally different. On fight night, neither of us will have headguards or fat 16oz gloves on. I can’t speak for Kevin but it’s no secret that I treat my spars like a fight and always give my all. The only thing I would like to point out is that it was only about five or six weeks before the Murray fight so Kevin must’ve had reasonable fitness himself.

People are also making a big thing that I beat Michael Katsidis quite comfortably and Katsidis stopped Kevin but, likewise, that will have no bearing. Styles make fights. I read nothing into that.

Does the England-Scotland dimension add a bit of spice for you?

Not personally, but some of the fans will no doubt make a big thing of it. For me, it’s just my job. Once the bell goes, it’s never about where the opponent is from, it’s solely about getting the victory.

The bookmakers have it mighty close. What type of fight are you expecting and what do you have, that Mitchell doesn’t, that’ll see you victorious?

I’m not really fussed what type of fight Kevin brings. If I can win by boxing back foot without taking any shots then that’s what I’ll do.

But I think there’ll almost certainly be times in this fight when we’ll have to trade and I absolutely guarantee that I’ll not be the one backing off first. I’ve been sparring with a big local middleweight called David Brophy and also (ex British light-welter champion) Ashley Theophane has been down. I’ve been working on backing them all up. I couldn’t be happier with how my sparring has gone.

After my camp, I feel so physically strong and intend stamping some authority in the first few rounds. I’ve never claimed to be a one punch knockout artist but I certainly hit hard enough to prevent opponents from rushing in, charging through me. Apparently, you can get 6-1 on my winning by stoppage at any time. That’s got to be worth a few quid of anybody’s money!

Destiny dawns for Dagenham lightweight Kevin Mitchell on Saturday evening.

A former six time national junior champion and English senior ABA featherweight king whilst still a teenager, it seemed the Cockney with the kayo kick couldn’t miss when, amidst much fanfare,  he signed pro forms with Frank Warren,  as a baby faced 18 year old, back in July 2003.
Nine years and 34 paid gigs later, ‘Mighty’ Mitchell has been beaten just once – a humiliating May 2010 third round stoppage loss to Australia’s Michael Katsidis, when clearly his head was addled by external problems.  The Dagenham Destroyer’ has captured the British and Commonwealth super-featherweight titles plus a couple of Inter-Continental belts, but now has his eye on the big prize.
This Saturday evening, the 27-year-old gets a gilt edged chance to not only redeem himself but also to begin building a lasting legacy when he travels to Glasgow to challenge home hero Ricky Burns for the WBO World Lightweight title. Here, he assures boxing writer Glynn Evans it is not an opportunity he intends to squander.
Burns v Mitchell is live and exclusive on BoxNation (Sky Ch. 437/Virgin Ch. 546).  Join at
What did you get out of your tune up against The Dominican Republic’s Felix Lora, who you comprehensively outscored over ten rounds in Bethnal Green last February?

As I was fighting at the York Hall for probably the last time, it was nice to put on a show for my fans while getting a win plus it was good to get some rounds in. That said, I let him off the hook in round ten. He was completely gone but I stepped off him and let him see the finish. He was an honest pro, with a family and he’s got a living to earn. No point me getting him suspended unnecessarily after he’s put a good shift in. Ricky Burns can’t expect such kindness!
While it’s true that you’ve been inconsistent in the past, the grapevine has it that you’re in a very good place mentally right now and have been absolutely flying in training under Jimmy and Mark Tibbs....

That’s true. I’m 27, around my prime so, if I can’t beat the likes of Ricky Burns now, it’ll never happen and I might as well retire.

People keep bringing up the Katsidis defeat and that’s understandable but I was under a lot of stress just then; I’d just split up with me missus.

Bill Ives (head of sponsors Rainham Steel) has really helped me out with so many things and I’ve a lot to thank him for, for sorting my ‘nut’ out.  He took me over to Montana, Canada to ‘flush out’ before I really got stuck into training back here.

There was a big gym for me over there plus I was running in the mountains. Bill helped get me sorted. Right now, I’m having a happy life. I’ve been living really healthily for the past three or four months. I’m dedicating this fight to Bill plus Mitchell Huth, my brave little cousin who passed with cancer recently.

Also, the Tibbses, Mark and Jimmy, have got me set perfect for this. Every fight they prepare me differently, prepare me specifically to the opponent that I’m facing. I’ve been away at a farm in Essex, away from my kids, getting my body and my mind right.

I’ve trained exceptionally hard but also, being away from distractions, I’ve had quality rest and that’s equally important. I’ve had problems in the past but, at the minute, my hands are sweet, no niggles. Right now, they’ve got me feeling like Superman!
You’ve been man enough to concede that Ricky had the better of things when you sparred briefly in the build up to the Murray fight but are you annoyed that the fighters’ code was broken and others went public about what happened between gym walls?

Yeh, very (annoyed). There’s been loads of bullshit about it. Basically, I’d been out of training for a while, having a beer with some of my boys. I’d been back in the gym maybe three days. Fourth day Ricky turns up and, you know me, I’ll spar anyone. Ricky was ‘12 rounds superfit’, as he always is, I was just four days in the gym but I thought I was doing him a favour.

First day I knocked out eight rounds and I did well, especially at the start. One point, I had him flying across the ring from a left hook, something Jimmy (Tibbs) constantly reminds me. Second spar, I could only manage five (rounds) before stepping out.

I know it ain’t been Ricky putting stuff out. He’s an absolute gentleman and my friend. He’d never do anything like that. It’s that Billy Nelson (Burns trainer).  Boxing’s a man’s sport, not for kids and he really needs to grow up.

Saturday night, there’ll be no head guards and no 14 oz gloves. I’ll be vicious and angry!
Are you apprehensive about going up to Glasgow to make your challenge? Do you expect this to be the most hostile environment you’ve encountered as a fighter?

(Laughs) Behave! I couldn’t give (a) sh*t. I guarantee the Jocks won’t be any more naughty than the Russians I faced when I went over there as a young teenager in the amateurs. I’ve travelled all around the world with the boxing.

I bashed up John Murray in the north-west before his crowd so fighting in Scotland shan’t be an issue at all. After I’ve knocked him out, all the Jocks will be loving me. Just you watch ‘em!
What’s your assessment of Ricky as a fighter? What qualities do you need to be especially wary of?

Ricky’s quality all the way round. He’s quick, has a hard accurate jab, can box and he also punches plenty hard enough to the body. Don’t get me wrong, I’m expecting a very, very hard fight.
So what does Kevin Mitchell possess that Ricky Burns doesn’t? Why do you emerge triumphant?

I’ve got faster hands, more power and better agility. With Mark and Jimmy, we’ve got the tactics sorted for anything Ricky’s mob brings. We know Burns can be hurt. Unlike me, he’s been put on the floor several times.

Also, there’s my determination to become a world champion. That’s something I’ve really wanted since I was a little nine year old baby. Ricky’s already experienced that, I haven’t. My hunger is greater than his.

Unlike going into the Katsidis fight, when I was always likely to get another opportunity if things went tits up, I see this as probably my last chance. To still achieve all the things that I intend to achieve in boxing, it has to happen for me in Glasgow on Saturday night. I’m finally ready to become a superstar that everyone remembers, like my heroes, Barry McGuigan, Chris Eubank and Naseem (Hamed).

My time has come. I’m ready to explode. Watch out for rounds eleven and twelve!