Two time world champion Michael Katsidis and his team are giving back to the community once again, by setting up a charity and raising funds for two severely injured youngsters.

Katsidis is using his next fight at the convention centre on the Gold Coast (August 13th) to raise much needed funds for Harley Quinlan and Trent Martin, who were both injured in non related Motorbike crashes, by auctioning off a sponsorship patch on his trunks and donating a % of profits from ticket sales.

The newly founded charity (which is yet to be named) has been set up by Team Katsidis in order to provide funds to a range of different people “It’s been something that we have wanted to do for some time now, and we are excited to kick it off with this fight” Katsidis manager/trainer Brendon Smith today said “It’s something that we want to grow globally, we will be talking with Oscar De La Hoya and the team at Golden Boy Promotions about the opportunity of other boxers helping out as well, we think it will be really well received.”

This isn’t the first time that team Katsidis have turned their hands to raising funds, they raised over $50,000 when the wife of Katsidis former amateur trainer, was diagnosed with Liver Cancer. “Michael hadn’t fought in close to 12 months when he stepped up to fight his former Olympic teammate Justin Kane, it wasn’t a fight he was prepared for but he has a big heart when it comes to things like this, so happily took the challenge.” Smith said

The fund raising won’t stop here though with Katsidis confident that other big name Aussie boxers will be on board “I’m going to call Danny (Green) next week and chat with him about doing the same thing in his upcoming Tarver fight.”

Katsidis has reported on numerous occasions that part of the reason for him coming to fight back in Australia was to give back to the sport and fans; this will now provide him an opportunity to do so. “We are going to make sure that boxers on our cards are correctly looked after, and now I can also give back through the charity” Katsidis said. Michael Katsidis fights Mexican Michael Lozada on August 13th at the Gold Coast Convention Centre, tickets are on sale now through