Undisputed super middleweight world champion Franchon Crews-Dezurn is looking to do a real number on Savannah Marshall.

The two once-beaten boxers will collide on Saturday night in Manchester.

Both fighters have suffered defeats at the hands of pound-for-pound fighter Claressa Shields.

For Marshall, she wants to bounce back after suffering her first loss back in October to Shields - in their undisputed middleweight showdown.

Marshall made the decision to move up in weight to challenge Crews-Dezurn for her undisputed crown.

"At the end of July 1, it will be another icing on another cake," said Crews-Dezurn. "I love the reference that was given that it would be 'heavy metal'. I didn't come to play, come to be friends, I came to kick her ass.

Crews-Dezurn believes Marshall underestimated the situation with Shields and will once again get a big surprise this weekend.

"I'm not like her, unfortunately she got a defeat because she underestimated, that's what happens when you think everything is going to be given to you," Crews-Dezurn said.

"You let somebody come into your town, beat you, dog-walk you, you let somebody come and take something that was yours because you got complacent. That's you, not me."

Marshall denies that she underestimated Shields and she views Crews-Dezurn as a level below the two-time Olympic gold medal winner.

"I didn't get complacent at all," said Marshall. "You're nothing like Claressa, you won't dog-walk me at all.

"The reality of it is I don't have to say anything, I'm a better fighter than you. The difference between me and you is you sit about on your lazy ass waiting for opportunities, this was why you've boxed twice in two years.

"When I was at super-middle you didn't want to entertain me, you didn't want to know so I moved up to light-heavy where there was a title shot for me, fell through. I moved down to middle to box Hannah Rankin. Same with Shadesia Green, she sat as your mandatory for over a year and you didn't want to know."