By Julius Streeter

Courtesy of

Following his 33 second destruction of Marco Antonio Rubio on the undercard of the De la Hoya - Hopkins this past Saturday, Jr. Middleweight contender Kofi Jantuah is the talk of the boxing world and is next in line to fight Winky Wright for the WBC title. I recently caught up with Kofi and we chatted on his last fight and what the future looks like for "Sir" Kofi.

Julius: Congratulations on the other night. That was a great win and a sort of coming out party for you. What were your thoughts going into that fight with Rubio?


Kofi: I looked at it like you said a coming out party. A lot of people were watching and everyone was making a big deal about this guy saying he is a big knockout puncher but I said that before the fight that I can't worry about that.


Julius: I think I was one of the few boxing writers going into the fight that knew something about you and knew that you were on this championship level but how did it feel that you were being underestimated and no one seemed to know you? Did that play any part in you wanting to look spectacular in this fight?


Kofi: Yeah I mean you know… I know myself and those who know me know what I can do but the public don't know and a lot of people don't know so it's like a challenge. I have to prove to them its how I am and it's what I can do. It's kind of frustrating when you don't get a chance to showcase yourself so I have to take advantage of this one.


Julius: Did it also make you frustrated when Daniel Santos, someone you knocked out, was getting title shots?


Kofi: Yeah you know I knocked this guy out in '99 and he came on to be a champion. It's very frustrating because I know I can do this and I just need an opportunity to do it. I look at him fighting and it's like I can do better than this. What can I do? It's like a privilege to prove my worth.


Julius: How has it been working with Jeff Mayweather and Mike McCallum?


Kofi: Oh it's been great. I've been with Jeff for the past 2 years now. We have been working good and learning different things you know. Mike McCallum just came about 2 months ago and we are all working together, learning new things and with his experience…I'm learning from everybody.


Julius: I think that you are in the same mold as Ike Quartey but you have a left hand that is more than just a jab.


Kofi: (laughs)


Julius: How does it feel now to be mentioned in the same breath as an Ike Quartey?


Kofi: It feels great you know. It's like now I am getting the recognition that I deserve. I believe I can do more. Like if you talk to my trainers they always tell me that you have one of the best jabs, you got a big hand you know you got a punching power that you don't need to drive or force yourself to hit hard. Naturally I have the ability to do it. They always tell me to do it naturally, not to force myself, relax and let the punches go and you have the power naturally. They are trying to get me to do it the right way and its working.


Julius: I saw your fight with Santos and the one right before that and then I started hearing about you sparring with De la Hoya and a lot of those guys at the Top Rank gym. I heard that you were giving it to them more than you were taking it. How did that experience help you in your quest to become a world champion?


Kofi: You know it's always good to spare with those fighters. It gives you confidence that hey I got through this and I've been in there with the so called best fighters in the world. They can do nothing to me its like you are right there with them and it's just a matter of time until you get an opportunity to prove yourself. You know that was a good experience for me to box with Oscar and Jeff, it's all a good experience.


Julius: I told Jeff Mayweather the night before the fight that this was your coming out party and I knew you were going to look spectacular and I told him that I would pick you against any 154lb fighter with the exception of Winky Wright. Is that putting too much pressure on you or are you ready to step it up because now people are going to be expecting you to look spectacular every time out.


Kofi: You know I don't think it's a pressure. It's a good feeling. I'm not a cutie-pie fighter I'm an effective fighter. I work with what I have and that's my power and my ability and I think that's what people like. People want to see action and that's what I give. Whenever I get into a fight I go there and fight with mind, strength, and whatever I can do, I do it. So it's not a pressure like I worry about if I don't perform, nah I don't worry about that.


Julius: So how does it feel now that you are right on the brink with those fighters like Winky Wright and Shane Mosley that all the boxing writers are talking about?


Kofi: I always believed that I am capable of beating any of these guys at anytime. Right now it's coming soon and it's going to make me work hard to achieve that. It's like I'm right there head to head with these guys like you said. Any of these guys I don't worry about fighting. Whoever and wherever I'm ready and willing to fight. I believe in my ability and my power that I can overcome and overpower any of these guys.


Julius: What has Lou DiBella meant to your career?


Kofi: Lou has been good to me. I was with Don King for almost 4 years and in those 4 years I think I got about 2 or 3 fights. I've been with Lou not even 2 years now and he was able to put me where I am right now. I'm very grateful to him.


Julius: Who is it that you want to fight next?


Kofi: Whoever they put in front of me, I'm ready and willing to take on. Anybody at 154 I'm ready for them.


Julius: I think that it would be a great action fight if you were to take on Kasim Ouma if he gets by Verno Philips.


Kofi: Yeah that's a fight that everyone is talking about. You and Kasim…you and Kasim. I look at it this way, we are both from Africa and we both are trying to make the money. We want to hold on for that fight and make some good money.


Julius: It's good too because actually there has never been a time where any two African fighters have fought one another with belts on the line. Usually it's always one great African in a division maybe and they are talking about him coming to America to fight people like when they wanted Quartey to fight Tito. I guess I could see it but it's kind of different to fight another African warrior right?


Kofi: Well the thing about it is they don't let the Africans have a chance to get on top with two guys like me and Ouma. They always want us to eliminate ourselves with nothing on the line but I don't want that to happen. I want us to make our goals and fight and make some good money.


Julius: Is there anything that you would like to say to your fans here or those who support you across the world?


Kofi: What I ask of them is that you keep your faith. Those who believe in me and those who doubt…its all good for the game. You don't expect everyone to support you. Some will hate, some will support. It's not for me to win those who don't believe. I win to bring them on my side. To all my fans, I thank them for their support. They haven't seen the real thing yet. We have more to give them.


I would like to thank Kofi Jantuah for taking some time out of his busy schedule to talk with me.