By Tim Kudgis

It was recently reported that Roy Jones Jr. will no longer be facing Bobby Gunn on December 18th at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA.  There has been no real reason provided by Jones but there has been a lot of speculation. 

Word has it that former champion Glen Johnson may be stepping in to replace Jones Jr. and it could be finalized at any moment. recently caught up to Bobby Gunn to get his comments on what was happening:

"When I give my word a make a commitment I stick to it.  I fought James Toney with a broken hand. I would have never expected Roy Jones Jr. to pull out of the fight with two weeks to go but I am sure he has his reasons.  I pray for his future and well being. No hard feelings but I want everyone to know when I make a commitment the show will go on. I will most likely be facing, the man who knocked Roy Jones Jr. out and beat Antonio Tarver, Glenn Johnson on Dec. 18th at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA.  I am sure this fight will come together because we are both warriors, it will be the Celtic Warrior vs. the Road Warrior. Styles make fights so this could be a last minute candidate for "Fight of the Year"."

"I would like to thank all of my fans who have supported me through thick and thin as well as all of Team Gunn.  Without you guys I wouldn't be here and because of you guys on December 18th I will be prepared for war!"