Tommy Coyle says he is confident of executing a “great game plan” and springing a surprise by defeating rival Luke Campbell at the KC Lightstream Stadium.

The pair will meet in their home city of Hull this Saturday, live on Sky Sports, both aiming to take a big step towards a world title shot by claiming victory in this final eliminator for the WBC lightweight belt.

Coyle is well aware of his tag as underdog, with the unbeaten Campbell heavily favoured by the bookmakers to come out on top in their bout.

But the self-assured 25-year-old believes his resilience and determination will be enough to overcome Campbell, who he considers technically superior to him.

“Luke is a better fighter than me, I am a realist and I am going to be truthful. He is a better technician than me, but I don’t think he possesses what I possess inside,” Coyle told Sky Sports News HQ.

“That grit, desire and will to win. I think that is going to be the winning factor in this fight. It’s in the home town and there will be a hostile crowd.”

He added: “It was a respectful press conference, but it is now down to business. All the talking is done and my mind is now on the job.

“I have got a tough fight ahead of me and it’s going to be one hell of an ask, but I am confident I can do it and execute a great game plan.

“The only pressure on me is to give a good account of myself, but I always do that anyway. I am going to go in there on Saturday and put everything on the line. I’m a huge underdog with the bookies."

There is certainly no love lost between the pair. Once friends, Campbell and Coyle's relationship has soured in recent years, giving extra spice to an already intriguing encounter.

But Coyle admits he will have to curb his usual “all guns blazing” approach to prevent a fight suited to the 2012 Olympic gold medallist.

“I don’t think I can go in there as I usually do, all guns blazing, as Luke is that good that he would just pick me off, he’s a chess fighter,” Coyle said.

“So I have got to be a bit cautious. Its discipline, I have got to have a cool head in a hot kitchen and I am confident I can do that.”

Watch Campbell take on Coyle and a packed Hull undercard this Saturday, from 8pm on Sky Sports 1.