By Gabriel Montoya

Last Thursday, it was revealed on that Andre Berto failed one of his random drug tests that were administered by VADA [Voluntary Anti Drug Association]. Berto's A and B samples were confirmed to have had traces of nandrolone.

Berto is preparing for a welterweight rematch with Victor Ortiz on June 23rd at Staples Center in Los Angeles California. Both fighters had agreed to take part in a random drug testing protocol.

Sources have informed me that analysis of  Berto's positive tests results for nandrosterone (a metabolic byproduct of nandrolone) revealed "ultra-trace amounts of Nandrolone in the low parts per trillion range and consistent with contamination not intent."

In other words, the amount in his system is so minute [very little] that it is highly unlikely that he intentionally ingested nandrolone but was rather contaminated by food or a supplement.

This is excellent news for Team Berto, essentially backing up the theory explained in my article "Andre Berto Tests Positive for The Molecule of the Month: Nandrolone."

Does this mean Berto/Ortiz II could have been saved?

BoxingScene first reported on Sunday afternoon that Josesito Lopez had accepted the opportunity to face Ortiz.

More details to come as the story breaks.