Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. - Adrien Broner landed 35 of 138 punches over the first six rounds of the fight. Jovanie Santiago landed 93 of 305 punches over the same time frame.

Over the last half of the fight, Broner landed 63 of 300 punches while Santiago landed 114 of 392 punches. The ninth round was Broner’s most active, which saw him land 12 of 38 punches. Santiago landed 18 of 57 punches in that round.

In the 12th and final round Santiago landed 32 of 95 punches, and Broner landed 7 of 34 punches. Though outworked over the entirety of the fight, Broner landed quality punches over the second half of the bout, which is why the judges awarded him a unanimous decision.